Amber Riley Mom: The Woman Behind the Star

Amber Riley is a talented actress, singer, and author who has won many awards and accolades for her performances on Glee, Dreamgirls, and Dancing with the Stars. But who is the woman behind the star? Who is Amber Riley mom?

Tiny Hightower: A Celebrity Mother

Amber Riley mom is Tiny Hightower, a celebrity mother who raised three daughters in Los Angeles, California. Tiny was married to Elwin Riley, a former security guard, for many years. Their daughters are Toiya, Ashley, and Amber. ¹

Tiny Hightower supported her daughters’ dreams and aspirations from a young age. She encouraged Amber to audition for American Idol when she was 17 years old, but Amber was turned down by the producers. ² Tiny did not let that discourage her daughter and continued to motivate her to pursue her passion for singing and acting.

Tiny Hightower was also there for Amber when she faced challenges and rejections in her career and personal life. She helped Amber cope with bullying, racism, and body-shaming. She also comforted Amber when her engagement with Desean Black was called off in 2022. ¹

A Proud and Loving Mother

Tiny Hightower is a proud and loving mother who celebrates her daughter’s achievements and milestones. She often posts pictures and videos of Amber on her social media accounts, expressing her admiration and gratitude.

For example, when Amber won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actress in a Musical for her role as Effie White in Dreamgirls in 2017, Tiny Hightower shared a heartfelt message on Instagram. She wrote:

“Words cannot express how proud I am of this young lady right here!!! My baby girl @msamberpriley won the Olivier Award for Best Actress in a Musical!!!! God is so good!!! Thank you to everyone who voted for her, supported her, prayed for her!! You are all amazing!! Amber you are a shining star and I love you so much!! Congratulations baby girl!! You did it!!” ³

Tiny Hightower also attends many of Amber’s events and shows, cheering her on from the audience. She accompanied Amber to the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards, where Amber performed with the cast of Glee. She also watched Amber sing the national anthem at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. ²

A Role Model for Amber

Amber Riley mom is not only a supportive and proud mother, but also a role model for Amber. Amber has learned many valuable lessons from Tiny Hightower, such as resilience, confidence, and kindness.

Amber once said in an interview that Tiny Hightower taught her to embrace her uniqueness and not let anyone define her worth. She said:

“My mom always taught me to be myself. She always told me that I’m beautiful no matter what anyone else says. She always told me that I have something special to offer the world.” ⁴

Amber also credits Tiny Hightower for inspiring her to use her voice and platform for positive change. She said:

“My mom always taught me to speak up for what I believe in and to stand up for others who can’t. She always taught me to be compassionate and empathetic. She always taught me to be a leader and not a follower.” ⁴


Amber Riley mom is Tiny Hightower, a celebrity mother who has been a constant source of support, love, and inspiration for Amber. Tiny Hightower has raised three successful daughters who are making their mark in the entertainment industry. She is a woman who deserves recognition and appreciation for being the woman behind the star..