Augusto Aguilera Height: How Tall Is The Predator Star?

Augusto Aguilera is an Ecuadorian-American actor who has gained fame for his roles in The Predator and Too Old To Die Young. But how tall is he exactly? And does his height affect his acting career? In this article, we will explore the facts and myths about Augusto Aguilera’s height.

How Tall Is Augusto Aguilera?

According to various sources, Augusto Aguilera’s height is 5 feet 7 inches or 170 cm. This makes him slightly shorter than the average American male height of 5 feet 9 inches or 175 cm. However, this does not mean that he is too short for Hollywood standards. In fact, many famous actors are around the same height or even shorter than him, such as Tom Cruise, Robert Downey Jr., Daniel Radcliffe, and Mark Wahlberg.

How Does His Height Affect His Acting Career?

Augusto Aguilera’s height does not seem to have a negative impact on his acting career. He has landed roles in various genres, from sci-fi to drama to comedy. He has also worked with some of the biggest names in the industry, such as Sterling K. Brown, Boyd Holbrook, Trevante Rhodes, Keegan-Michael Key, and Olivia Munn in The Predator, and Miles Teller, Jena Malone, and John Hawkes in Too Old To Die Young.

Moreover, he has shown his versatility and talent as an actor by portraying different types of characters, from a quirky pilot in The Predator to a troubled hitman in Too Old To Die Young. He has also received positive reviews from critics and fans for his performances. For instance, Bloody Disgusting described his character Nettles as the “pop-heart” of the team in The Predator, and The Hollywood Reporter praised his “intense” and “magnetic” portrayal of Jesus Rojas in Too Old To Die Young.

What Is His Secret To Overcoming Height Insecurities?

Augusto Aguilera has not publicly spoken about his height or any insecurities he might have about it. However, he has shared some of his secrets to success and happiness as an actor in various interviews. He has revealed that he started his serious acting career at the Actors Circle Theatre when he was twenty, and that he found acting on film “strange” at first. He has also said that he believes in collaboration, honesty, and passion as the key ingredients for a good performance.

Additionally, he has expressed his gratitude and excitement for the opportunities and challenges that he has faced in his career. He has said that he feels “blessed” and “lucky” to be part of The Predator, and that he was “blown away” by the script and the vision of Too Old To Die Young. He has also stated that he loves to explore different genres and characters, and that he is always looking for new ways to grow and learn as an actor.


Augusto Aguilera is a rising star in Hollywood who has proven his worth as an actor in various projects. His height of 5 feet 7 inches does not seem to hinder his career or his confidence. Instead, he focuses on his craft, his passion, and his gratitude for the opportunities that he has. He is an inspiration for anyone who wants to pursue their dreams regardless of their physical attributes.