Dorothy Jeter: The Mother Behind the Baseball Legend

Dorothy Jeter is the mother of Derek Jeter, one of the most celebrated and successful baseball players of all time. She is also a former army officer, an accountant, and a philanthropist who has supported her son’s career and foundation. In this article, we will explore the life and achievements of Dorothy Jeter, the woman who raised a champion.

Dorothy Jeter’s Early Life and Military Service

Dorothy Jeter was born in 1952 in New Jersey, where she grew up with her parents and siblings. She is of Irish-German descent and has a strong Catholic faith. She attended Rutgers University, where she studied accounting and met her future husband, Sanderson Jeter.

Sanderson Jeter was a baseball player at Fisk University in Tennessee, where he played as a shortstop. He was also an army officer who was stationed in Frankfurt, Germany in 1972. That’s where he met Dorothy, who was also serving in the U.S. Army. The two fell in love and married a year later in Tennessee.

Dorothy Jeter’s Family and Career

After their marriage, Dorothy and Sanderson moved to New Jersey, where they welcomed their first child, Derek, in 1974. Four years later, they had their second child, Sharlee, who also became a softball player. The family moved to Kalamazoo, Michigan in 1978, so that Sanderson could pursue his PhD in psychology at Western Michigan University.

Dorothy worked as an accountant while raising her children and supporting their athletic pursuits. She was a devoted mother who instilled discipline, confidence, and work ethic in her kids. She also encouraged them to pursue their dreams and never give up.

Dorothy was instrumental in shaping Derek’s baseball career from an early age. She took him to his first Yankees game when he was four years old and made him promise to play at Tiger Stadium someday. She also helped him create a tradition of writing down his goals every year and signing a contract with his parents to achieve them. She attended his games and practices, cheered him on, and gave him constructive feedback.

Dorothy Jeter’s Philanthropy and Legacy

Dorothy Jeter is not only a proud mother but also a generous philanthropist. She is involved in her son’s foundation, the Turn 2 Foundation, which aims to help young people avoid drugs and alcohol and achieve academic excellence. She serves as the treasurer of the foundation and oversees its finances and operations.

Dorothy Jeter is also an advocate for social justice and racial equality. She has spoken out against racism and discrimination that she and her family have faced as an interracial couple and as parents of biracial children. She has taught her children to embrace their identity and heritage and to respect others.

Dorothy Jeter is a remarkable woman who has inspired many people with her strength, wisdom, and compassion. She is the mother behind the baseball legend, Derek Jeter, who credits her for his success and happiness. She is also a role model for mothers, women, and anyone who wants to make a positive difference in the world.