Margaret Josephs Son Spencer: The RHONJ Star’s Secret Child

Margaret Josephs is a popular reality TV star who is known for her appearance on The Real Housewives of New Jersey (RHONJ). She is also a successful entrepreneur, fashion designer, and author of the memoir Caviar Dreams, Tuna Fish Budget. But did you know that Margaret Josephs has a biological son named Spencer? Here are some facts about Margaret Josephs son Spencer and his relationship with his mother.

Who Is Spencer Josephs?

Spencer Josephs is Margaret’s biological son, whom she shared with her late ex-husband Jan Josephs. He was born in 1996, when Margaret was 28 years old and Jan was 48. He has three half-siblings from Jan’s previous marriage, who are much older than him. Spencer is currently 27 years old and works as a lawyer in New York City, according to People.

Why Is Spencer Josephs Not on RHONJ?

Spencer Josephs has never appeared on RHONJ, unlike his mother and stepfather Joe Benigno. The reason is that Spencer does not want to be involved in the show or the drama that comes with it. He prefers to keep his personal life private and focus on his career. Margaret Josephs respects his decision and does not pressure him to join the show. She told Heavy that Spencer “is in a career that’s very serious and he does not like the limelight.”

How Is Spencer Josephs’ Relationship with Margaret Josephs?

Spencer Josephs and Margaret Josephs share a close and loving bond. Margaret Josephs is very proud of her son and his achievements. She often posts photos of him on her social media accounts, such as Instagram and Twitter, and gushes about how handsome and smart he is. She also supports him in his endeavors and celebrates his milestones with him. For example, she attended his graduation from law school in 2019 and his admission to the bar in 2020.

Spencer Josephs also loves his mother and admires her for her strength and resilience. He is grateful for her unconditional love and support. He also enjoys spending time with her and Joe Benigno, as well as his half-siblings and their families. He often visits them in New Jersey or invites them to his apartment in New York. He also accompanies them on vacations and holidays, such as Christmas and Mother’s Day.

What Does Margaret Josephs Say About Spencer Josephs in Her Memoir?

Margaret Josephs reveals more details about Spencer Josephs and her relationship with him in her memoir, Caviar Dreams, Tuna Fish Budget, which was released in April 2021. She writes about how she became pregnant with Spencer when she was married to Jan Josephs and how she raised him along with Jan’s three children from his previous marriage. She also writes about how she divorced Jan Josephs in 2013 and married Joe Benigno in 2017, and how that affected her relationship with Spencer Josephs and her stepchildren.

Margaret Josephs also shares some anecdotes and stories about Spencer Josephs, such as how he was a precocious and curious child, how he excelled in school and sports, how he developed a passion for law and justice, and how he coped with the loss of his father, who died of cancer in 2018. She also expresses her admiration and gratitude for Spencer Josephs, calling him “the light of my life” and “my greatest accomplishment.” She also hopes that her memoir will inspire other mothers and sons to have a strong and healthy bond.